We proposed that the reaction at the initial stage may be controlled by the non uniform surface electric field, As the etching process progresses, the reaction may gradually change to be controlled by mass transfer process and quantum confinement effect. 我们认为反应的初期主要受表面不均匀电场的影响,而随着表面多孔层的增厚和颗粒的细化,刻蚀反应逐渐变成受传质过程和量子尺寸约束的控制。
Now it is difficult to increase electric capacitance further by electrochemical etching to enlarge effective surface area S, and the anode foil of aluminum electrolytic capacitor is facing a new technological innovation in increasing relative dielectric constant ε r of anodic oxide film. 目前通过电化学方法增大铝阳极箔的有效表面积已越来越困难,铝电解电容器的阳极箔正面临一场新的技术革新:形成高介电常数的复合氧化膜来提高铝氧化膜的比容。
The membrane of SiO_2, which has lower thermal conductivity compared with SiN_x, is fabricated as heat and electric insulator, and single crystal Si is apt to form reverse-cup structure through anisotropy etching. 利用SiO2相对于sinx有更低的热导率,作为膜式微气体传感器的热绝缘和电绝缘层,而单晶Si适合通过各向异性腐蚀形成倒杯状结构来支撑SiO2膜。